WhatsApp made the “Status” feature official back in February. It lets users share photos, videos, and GIFs which disappear automatically after 24 hours. The feature was initially called a “clone” of Snapchat Stories by users and experts worldwide. Nevertheless, the feature is slowly picking up and becoming popular amongst the users.
WhatsApp Status updates are perishable by nature. Hence, WhatsApp does not offer an “official” way to save these shares. Some users take a screenshot to save the image statuses, but how about the videos? Even the screenshots fail to keep the image in the same quality as it is on WhatsApp. So what is the best way to save the statuses? Let’s find out…
There are two legit way to save whatsapp status (file manager and legit applications who works with whatsapp status)
>>>Open ur whatsapp
>>>kindly view any status/video you definitely want to save or keep for @ least some seconds
>>>Now go to your File Manager or Solid Explorer; or Es file explorer
>>>please kindly enable show hidden file
>>>Then go to your WhatsApp folder>Media>Statuses
>>>Then copy the image or video to another folder of your choice
That all!!!! Your copied pictures or video will be save for ever
whatalt is a dedicated application with so many functions which are
1)Text To Emoji text
2)Repeat text
3)Direct messages
4)Blank text messages
5)Status saver
But we are only going to deal with number 5 which is status saver
This method is very simple
Kindly follow my steps 👇
>>>open your whatsapp
>>>kindly view the pictures or video you want to save
>>>open whatsalt application
>>>click on status saver
>>>choose either pictures or videos
>>>kindly click on next to see the particular one you want to save
>>>then click on save
That all!!!! Your copied pictures or video will be save for ever
You can also downoad status saver because whatsalt will not support GB whatsapp
If you have any difficulties kindly comment below
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